Flexalon 3D Layouts - Free Download


Flexalon: Your 3D Layout Powerhouse 🎮🕹️

Overview 🌐

Say goodbye to countless hours spent readjusting your scene. Flexalon empowers level designers, animators, and interface designers with the ability to create adaptive 3D layouts that are both precise and easy to update.

Highlights ✨

Flexalon Objects 📦

  • Sizing: Gain precise control over the width, height, and depth of objects.
  • Fill: Scale objects and layouts to fill the available space.
  • Margins and padding: Add empty space around objects and inside layouts.

Layouts 📐

  • Flexible Layout: Position objects linearly along the x, y, or z axis, with optional wrapping.
  • Grid Layout: Position objects in evenly spaced rows and columns along any two axes.
  • Circle Layout: Position objects around a circle.
  • Spiral Layout: Position objects along a spiral.
  • Curve Layout: Position objects along a line or Bézier curve with any number of points.
  • Random Layout: Position, rotate, and size objects randomly, with a stable random seed.
  • Align Layout: Align all children to the parent on the specified axes.
  • Shape Layout: Position children in a shape formation with a specified number of sides.
  • Constraints: Constrain an object to follow another object’s position, rotation, and size.
  • Custom Layouts: Create your own layouts by extending a base component.

Animators 🎭

  • Curve Animator: Animate objects between layout positions with an adjustable animation curve.
  • Lerp Animator: Animate objects between layout positions using linear interpolation.
  • Rigid Body Animator: Animate rigid bodies towards layout positions using forces.
  • Custom Animators: Create your own animation strategy by implementing an interface.

Click and Drag 🖱️

Flexalon Interactable: Add click and drag interactions which let users add, remove, and swap objects in layouts.

Data Binding 🔄

  • Cloner: Generate objects based on a data source
  • Data Binding: Implement an interface to update objects with data items.

Adapters 🔌

Flexalon automatically works with:

  • Mesh Renderer
  • Sprite Renderer
  • TextMeshPro
  • Rect Transform (Including Canvas)
  • Collider & Collider2D

Custom Adapters: Implement an interface to make Flexalon work with your own components.


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