Runner Action Animation Pack - Free Download


This package includes approximately 400 unique situational animations for creating runner games or action characters. It contains 385 root motions and 481 in-place motions, for a total of 866 files.

The animations are organized into six categories:

  1. Movement Type Animations
  2. Escape Action Type Animations
  3. Jump Action Type Animations
  4. Attack Action Type Animations
  5. Collision Reaction Type Animations
  6. Wallrun Type Animations

The character is set up with a Humanoid configuration and includes 5 finger bones and twist bones for the shoulders, arms, and legs. All animations are neatly organized in the scene for easy access.

Most animations provide both root motion and in-place motion, with some exceptions based on necessity. The model used in the promotional video is not included as an asset in the package, but a dummy model with the same skeletal structure, naming, and size is provided as a replacement.


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