This package contains a large city area based on modern classical with mixture of industrial theme. This is mobile optimized having low draw calls and low triangle count. It is easy to use. Average triangle count is of each building is from 300 to 1500 tris.
There are more than 137 unique props prefab are included to use. Those prefab contains buildings, trees, props etc.
Package includes
Complete scene
Two skybox
Rain Drop, Rain, smoke particles
Two Animated Mobile Shader
15 background building
17 classical building
31 detailed skyscapers
5 trees and bush
Road props
Game objects can be interchanged in the scene.
Materials are easy to change. There are only 13 materials has been used for the scene. Road Textures is 1024x1024 and others are 4K resolution.
City Layout models are in single mesh and divided in many parts to reduce draw call
This package is ideal for any sort of open world games. Specially Mobile Car Racing, Simulation or Driving game
Volumetric light beam and wet road shader has been used for presentation purposes only and is not included in the package. In Presentation, Scene has been baked with static baked light.
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