Sci-Fi City Police & Paramilitary Pack


This pack comes with 91 prefab models and a demo scene. There are four rigged characters compatible with Mecanim animation system. 


  1. 91 asset prefabs with URP compatible materials.
  2. Well designed 3D assets containing separate UV sets for light baking.
  3. Customizable post processing stack compatible with URP
  4. Characters are setup to work with Mecanim animation system

Main Assets

  • AC Unit
  • Banner
  • Barrier
  • Battleship
  • Bike
  • Building
  • Door
  • Door Frames
  • Cargo Ships
  • Helicopter
  • Humvee Vehicle
  • Ladders Set
  • Pipes
  • Transformers
  • Guns
  • Window
  • Vehicles
  • Pavement
  • Loght post
  • Road
  • Weapons
  • Water Tank
  • Environment Props
  • Research Labs
  • Water Tanks
  • Characters
  • T Pose Characters
  • Fire particles
  • Smoke particles

Number of textures : 84

Texture dimensions

2048 x 2048

4096 x 4096

Polygon counts

RI_AC Unit - 1961

RI_Banner_1V- 262

RI_Banner_3V- 86

RI_Battle Tank - 22,741

RI_Battleship_1V - 2010

RI_Bike - 4858

RI_Billet_Doorframe - 52

RI_Building1V_Floor - 250

RI_Building1V_GroundFloor - 289

RI_Building1V_Top - 41

RI_Building2V_2Floor - 576

RI_Building2V_Floor - 176

RI_Building2V_GroundFloor - 1079

RI_Building2V_Top - 162

RI_Car - 3654

RI_CargoShip_V2 - 5436

RI_CommunicationTower_2V - 178

RI_CommunicationTower_Floor - 225

RI_Doors_1V -46

RI_Doors_2V - 84

RI_Doors_3V - 116

RI_Doors_4V - 190

RI_Dynamite - 1126

RI_Fire - 12

RI_Helicopter - 4165

RI_Humvee_Vehicle - 4946

RI_Light Post - 490

RI_LightBeam - 16

RI_Military Truck - 6753

RI_Oil Tank - 883

RI_particals - 63

RI_Pavment_1X1S - 5

RI_Pavment_1X2S - 5

RI_Pavment_2X2S - 5

RI_Pipe_Bend - 168

RI_Pipe_L - 168

RI_Pipe_Straight - 104

RI_Pipe_StraightHalf - 104

RI_Pipe_T - 168

RI_Pipe_Wallfit - 72

RI_Pipe_Wheel - 188

RI_Police Action_2V - 3335

RI_Police Action_3V - 3335

RI_Police Action_1V - 3335

RI_Police Action_4V - 3770

RI_Police Action_5V - 3473

RI_Police_Billet - 112

RI_Police_Man - 948

RI_ResearchLab_1V - 777

RI_ResearchLab_2V - 1723

RI_Road1X1U_2V - 5

RI_Road1X1U_3V - 5

RI_Road1X1UL_1V - 7

RI_Road1X1UL_2V - 7

RI_Road1X1UL_3V_Left - 7

RI_Road1X1UL_3V_Right - 7

RI_Road1X1UL_4V - 7

RI_Road1X2U_1V - 5

RI_Road1X2U_4V - 5

RI_Security Room - 78

RI_Siren - 81

RI_Terrorist_1V - 1539

RI_Terrorist_2V - 1539

RI_Terrorist_3V - 4227

RI_Terrorist_4V - 4227

RI_Terrorists_1 - 1539

RI_Truck_Bowser - 7973

RI_Van - 4483

RI_Water Tank - 2854

RI_Window_2V_Blue - 106

Number of prefabs : 91

Rigging: Yes

Animation : No

UV mapping: Yes

LOD information : No

Types of materials and texture maps : Albedo Map, Emissive Map


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