Eadon Survival for Invector TPC


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It has the following features:

Hunger and thirst management
Temperature handling (via Enviro integration)
Night and day management (via Enviro integration) with different hunger/thirst profiles
Specific cures for different sicknesses
Injuries (from critical attacks or being damaged when below a threshold)
Custom debilitating effects for sicknesses
Custom debilitating effects for injuries, including preventing equipping items on broken arms
A bonfire system, letting you warm up, heal and rest
Free bonus asset: Eadon Enviro Integration, a set of scripts and assets to display in game the time of day, the weather, and manipulate time

Check out the details from the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/eadon-survival-for-invector-tpc-201861#description


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