X-Frame FPS Accelerator

X-Frame FPS Accelerator, although customizable, has been designed to work out-of-the-box, just add the main script to your camera and you will gain immediate FPS.

You can customize:
• the downsampling method (2 static + 1 dynamic adaptative algorithms).
• the desired minimum FPS.
• the minimum acceptable quality. This minimum can range from a very low value to get the maximum FPS when needed to a high value to get some extra FPS but without losing too much image quality.
• a minimum quality when the camera is not moving or rotating.
• a nice FPS factor, beyond this X-Frame seamlessly deactivates, reactivating itself again if FPS drops.
• optional antialias + sharpen pass.
• dynamic control of pixel light count + shadows management.
• advanced options based on users feedback based on real cases – quality adaptation speed, rendering methods, …


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