EasyRoads3D Pro Add On – HD Roads


easy road



Easy Roads: Download EasyRoads3D Pro Add On HD Roads FREE Unity 

HD Roads for EasyRoads3D Pro

This pack is an EasyRoads3D Pro Addon with HD content and ready-to-use road type presets and road-related side objects. It was made in co-op between EasyRoads3D and NatureManufacture teams.

All assets are PBR and support Unity 2017, 2018 and Unity 2019, HD SRP & LW SRP. All roads connect in a seamless and natural way to each other out of the box, with options to change connections manually – by default, it’s random from predefined decal types. Connections between roads are natural and made from real-world existing road connections. Texture maps are packed to save GPU and memory usage. Crossroads are made with minimal texture usage, in effect, the whole road system doesn’t take a big amount of memory from your app. With this pack, your roads will get AAA to look.



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